Policy Briefs

Policy briefs leverage research and community evidence to advance health equity and provide policymakers with the necessary information to create policies that promote equity and engagement of people most impacted. At the Equity in Policy Institute, we assist organizations in developing their policy briefs using our unique approach to policy analysis and implementation, which helps to close the “know-do” gap and promote good governance and democracy.

Advancing Comprehensive, Medically Accurate Sex Education Legislation in Georgia.

Advancing Rights and People-Centered Approaches: Equity Policy for New Mexicans with Disabilities 

Expand Health Insurance Coverage to All Children regardless of Immigration Status

Mobilizing Culture, Sovereignty, and Community for Tribal Health in all Policies 

Sisnaat’eel Community Alliance: Developing Policy through Diné-Centered Wellbeing and Engagement 

Broadband Access and LGBTQ Youth Behavioral Health Equity