assorted color pens

The Power of Graphic Design

Graphic design can uplift your message and highlight key policy points. Great design can influence decision-making and influence choice with images that resonate. This is an opportunity to turn your ideas into images and communicate complex messages quickly and effectively. Think about working to match your design elements with the overall visual tone of your story.

Tips and Tricks.

  • Identify key points or statistics from your policy brief that can be translated into graphics.
  • Utilize symbols that are important to your story by creating digital versions of them.
  • Engage local artists to contribute to the project.
  • Translate data into a storytelling realm.
  • Make statistics more relatable by using visual representations.
  • Explore the importance of visual narratives to your story and how artists have depicted them.
  • Create text slides using iMovie and design simple graphics using free software like Canva.

Watch and Learn